Thursday, November 17, 2016

One Piece Manga 846 - Egg Defense

Nice cover art showing Chopper and Luffy with some cute little rabbits to start this chapter. Back to the battle against the enraged army and it shows Nami has joined the fight helping out her captain! It doesn't look as if she was much help but at least she didn't run away. Next we see a Meitou ( famous sword ) named Shirauo/White Fish being used, by swordswoman named Lady Amande, to cut down King Baum for betraying their crew. Luffy being outnumbered on top of fighting other devil fruit sadly no match. Charlotte Opera uses his sweet cream to make Luffy hallucenate and unable to properly fight back or defend himself. While Nami tries to tell Luffy to dodge, he gets taken out by two large haki powered punches by Opera from both sides. Even more bloodied up Luffy collapses. Nami gets her vivre card snatched from her boobs and the army is surprised to see Lola's name written on it. I was surprised to see Luffy cling to the ground saying he aint moving from that spot showing his awesome spirit before being captured. I thought forsure he was knocked out.

Mean while back at Big Mom's castle she is seen making a deal with Sanji to let his crew leave the island alive as long as he cooperates. Sanji must be really desperate if he actually believes her. I like how the skull on her pirate hat shares the facial expressions she makes...she's still vile in my opinion.

Now we have Dr. Egg Man aka Baron Tamago, explaining to us that there are 30 Poneglyphs in total including 9 rio poneglyphs and 4 road poneglyphs. Big Mom pirates currently own 2 Poneglyphs and one Road Poneglyph. It is also confirmed that Jinbe was carrying a Poneglyph with him in a chapter coverpage a while back.
 We also get introduced to another one of the Three Sweet Commanders, 14th daughter of Big Mom, Charlotte Smoothie who is seen wringing the life out of someone. She has a huge bounty of 932 million beli!! Charlotte Smoothie having free time on her hands decides to help Tamago protect Big Mom's precious treasures.

Lastly we have Brook and Pedro the Poneglyph theif in hiding preparing to attack and put their plan to action. Brook uses his powers to move around as a soul to see what's going on in the hall of offerings. Pedro and Brook dont have many options but to go head first into battle. They both agree to have Pedro be the bait for Baron Tamago so Brook will have a chance to survive as the chapter comes to an end.
Overall a good chapter..cant wait see what happens next.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New One Piece Game 2017??

I love playing One Piece video games but it seems as if they don't make enough quality games or games that are on par with the likes of say, Dragon Ball Z. A while back I had the game One Piece: Grand Battle 3 for the GameCube and that was a fun game. It wasn't my style of gameplay at first but it grew on me and I ended up enjoying it very much. 

This was around 2005 I think, and at the time I was living in Japan. I had a modded GameCube but mostly japanese games. I couldn't read the kanji or even understand what was going on for the most part but I loved and still played the game. Next thing I got was a Wii, and of course I had to get One Piece games. Luckily One Piece: Unlimited Adventure was out at that time. Adventure Rpg with some button mashing and combos, finding and collecting items, this was the ultimate One Piece game for me at the time. I've owned Unlimited Adventure, Cruise part 1 and 2, World Red. Although I enjoyed One Piece Unlimited World Red, I felt it could have been much better and it lacked many elements from the previous games. I won't get into that now though. I haven't played the Pirate Warriors series except 3. Different play style from the Nintendo based One Piece games but I definately fell in Love with the game.

The latest One Piece game to come out this year was, One Piece: Burning Blood. Before that came out I thought the game would suck. Little did I know I would find myself wanting to play it. I was impressed with the graphics and how it actually looked like a decent fighting game. I have no idea when I will be able to play that game but I am still hoping for a new One Piece game to come out in 2017. I doubt they will make another fighting based game. I want to see another Unlimited type game actually done right. I don't mind if it's like dbz where we have a story playing through the arcs, even though One Piece has a lot of arcs. We probably won't get a game where they'll have a huge roster and many costumes with an awesome story and gameplay though.
Lets be hopeful though!

Is Purin/Pudding Evil???

Is Charolette Pudding evil or nah??? I happen to think so. I just can't find myself to trust her given she's apart of Big Mom's crew. That doesn't necessarily mean she is evil or one of the bad guys. I mean she was born into the crew. She has been shown to help the Straw Hat crew when they arrived in Totland. Why would Purin save Luffy and Chopper from being arrested? She asked for their names even though she should recognise them. Could this be Big Mom controlling her or is she playing along. Brook points out sweet she is, as most people after reading that chapter thinks she is. Every scene she comes off as sweet and innocent. Maybe that's how she really is. She kind of reminds me of Sanji how she explained in detail she made some chocolate with her recipe in chapter 827, seems like she loves cooking. After meeting the Mugiwaras in the chocolate town Im guessing Pudding notified Big Mom of their arrival if Big Mom didn't already know. Or it could be homies and thats how she keeps tabs and gains intel on people.
Purin saves and helps the SHs only to put them in danger. Either way their presence was known to Big Mom. During a scene with trying on a dress it seems like shes trying to get away to meet up with the SHs. If she was so nice enough to show Luffy and gang a way to Whole Cake Island, why not warn them about the seducing woods? She could have drawn them a map just to save herself from Pedro killing her. Some things just don't make sense with her. She probably knows she's under constant surveillance and has her reasons for witholding certain info. Purin doesn't want to end up like Pound lol. Also I cant wait to find out if she is the girl with the third eye or is it her twin sister? Oda needs to hurry up and confirm if shes really good or not.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

One Piece Manga Chapter 845

                                                 Chapter 845: The Enraged Army
This chapter was a 6/10 for me instead of a 4/10. No one knows whose side Puddin is on and I think she is playing Sanji! I mean maybe she's being forced to do the things she is doing for instance, letting the straw hats get into whole cake island easily, leading them to the forest, and now this chapter she's hyping up her emotions towards Sanji. There are some theories that Big Mom might become an ally and isnt really evil at all. The fact that she could have easily killed the Strawhats in the seducing woods and didn't. This whole arc is just shrouded in mystery. Maybe Puddin shares a similar fate to Sanji in how his family treats him. In this chapter it shows one of Big Moms young children wanting to mutilate their stuffed animal but the chef wont let her borrow the knives. Big Mom doesnt seem to care about the behavoir of her children by telling two other kids to get the knives, then the children go on saying they are going to kill the little girl some day and Big Mom is laughing it off saying "everyone  has at least 100 or 200 people they want to kill". Puddin has to deal with crazy ass siblings if she isnt like them herself. Who knows?
It is pretty strange how she says to Sanji that he has never uttered a word about their marriage yet shes tells his crew a different story. When Luffy and gang met Puddin she tells them that Sanji said he wants to get married but he cant. Like I said, she could be forced to lie and act like she is helping. Seems like the next plan of action is to get the keys to Sanji's handcuff which Big Mom has. Maybe Chopper and Carrot can help in that department.

In this chapter was also the day the Germa 66 meets Big Mom and has a tea party before the wedding. Interesting during this scene Judge says  " I guarentee it shall be a day that none of us forgets!" Now that is just suspicious to me. Will he plan to takeover Whole Cake Island? ( after rereading the chapter, I noticed it was Big Mom that said this) Hopefully we will see soon enough. What I liked the most about this chapter was Luffy and his determination to not move from his spot even with an enraged army coming at him. Also im wondering if his tooth will stay missing, that would be epic. The chapter started off with him and Nami, with Nami begging Luffy to at least hide from the army. Later throughout the chapter it shows Luffy battling it out with the army using a haki powered gattling gun. Some people speculate Luffy will get a power up, use conquers haki, or just get captured. Im hoping Luffy will somehow beat them. I know he went up against Commander Cracker for about half a day, used gear 4, then took a beating from Sanji, but im hoping he can get through it by himself or with the help of nami. She can most likely fight from a distance undetected. The vivre card she has might not work on them but im not sure shes willing to risk her position.

 I honestly cant wait for the counter attack from Luffy and gang so we'll just have to wait hopefully a few more chapters. Maybe by christmas this arc will come close to an end.
6/10 for this chapter thanks to Luffy being a bad ass! Also the scene with Judge at the tea party was pretty suspicous of what was said.

Monday, November 7, 2016

One Piece Chapter 844

One of the best chapters hands down.. I can't wait to see this scene animated. Luffy's willpower has no limits!!! Had to reread some chapters since the manga is on break this week :/
Not much to say about this chapter except EPIC! I gave it a 10/10. I wanted to see an actual fight but this was  beyond good enough. I'm sure Luffy would have gave Sanji a hard time even though he had just beat Commander Cracker. 

Shanks gets Married or????

One Piece Manga Chapter 838

From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc
"Finale" At a wedding that takes place within the ruins of a certain island.

So I remembered seeing this a couple of months ago and wondered what this could mean. Intially I didn't think anything of Shanks getting married. My actual first thoughts were 'hmm looks like Mihawk and Perona tie the knot' 
I've recently looked into this and possible theories behind it. Some think it is Lucky Roo from Shanks's crew, others say Sai and Baby or Mihawk and Perona. Maybe it's Marco? Or is it really Shanks getting married!? Interestly on reddit someone posted these pictures of Makina from Fusha Village holding what seems to be her baby.

While it could possibly be Shanks and Makino's baby, I don't believe she would leave the shop to get married within ruins on a certain island...unless that island was very close by. She has a shop to attend to! Ain't nobody got time for an adventure with Shanks while havibg a baby and a shop to run! Seriously  though, for the case of Lucky Roo, some speculate because he isn't seen in the previous cover pages it is his wedding. I think the reason behind him not being seen is because he is too busy eating and drinking.

I don't really see a connection between Shanks with Sai and Baby 5 even though someone posted something about them having a connection to one member of Shanks's crew. ( guy with a dragon tattoo) I don't remember any chapters in the manga where any members from the Red Hair Pirates mentions Sai. Some people believe the depiction of crosses on the buildings in the coverpage are related to Mihawk. I agree with this. I mainly believe it is  Mihawk because he is the type of person to get married in some ruins. His home seems to be within ruins and this style fits Perona as well. They seem like a perfect couple without any hints to them being a couple. Im sure Kuma saw her and instantly thought of Mihawk. But, in the coverpage there cactus in the background and it doesn't seem like a place Perona and Mihawk would hold a wedding. The crosses can just be a reference to the church and their 'holy' role in marriage.
It could really just be Shanks and his crew attending some random wedding and he happens to see the newspaper with Luffy's new bounty. I personally want it to be Mihawk and Perona. If Shanks was invited to a wedding, the only person I can think that would invite him, would be Mihawk. Then again there are many people Shanks knows throughout the grandline who could be on the same level of friendship as Mihawk. Hopefully we get some clues in the near future, probably after the Whole Cake Island Arc.

Update: 11/9/16
I think it was Orojackson forum where someone made a West Blue/Shanks/Sai connection. In chapter 823, all of the different kingdoms are getting ready for the meeting at Mariejois. In West Blue, there is a guy with a dragon tattoo on his head that says Sai isn't back yet in time to make it to the meeting. The tattoo on the man's head resembles a tattoo from a guy in Shanks's crew. Shanks is also from West Blue so they might all 3 have a connection. While rereading some chapters, I saw a coverpage showing Mihawk and Perona together with the baboons doing farm work. I don't think they are having a wedding with Shanks there. Could be Sai and Baby 5 but I doubt it, or maybe it is someone in the Red Hair Pirates. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Luffy Gear Second

One of my all time favorite scenes in One Piece is when Luffy first uses his Gear Second technique during the Enies Lobby Arc. The beating he put on Blueno of CP9 was simply amazing and justified! As everyone should know or if you forgot or don't know, Luffy powers himself up by using the rubber element of his body as a pump to increase his blood flow, thus gaining him the ability to move at high speeds and deliver more powerful attacks. It's like an overdrive technique that pushes his body to the limit, but thanks to elasticity of his body he can maintain it using so much energy and oxygen as his body can handle for a period of time. In this overdrive state, Luffy's body heats up from the increased blood flow and turns his skin to a pinkish-red color. As he releases sweat to cool his body down it constantly vaporizes into steam. Gear Second made its debut in One Piece Chapter 387 and Anime Episode 272
Although it is said that Gear 2nd shortens Luffy's lifespan, I don't believe it to be true. I think of it as a move that shortens his stamina in a fight, yet prolongs it in the long run after his battles. Everytime Luffy uses this gear he is getting a super workout 9000 times more than the average human. Being a rubberman his muscles should have a better rate of repairing itself after this intense workout. Since his organs and everything can stretch, his heart and lungs should be able to handle the strain he puts on himself. The more Luffy uses 2nd Gear the longer he can use it without it greatly damaging his stamina. Gear Second is a go-to move for Luffy after the Enies Lobby showdown proving to be effect against most of his opponents. If Gear 2 alone can't get the job done then expect him bust out his Gear Third! After the time-skip Luffy learns Armament-Haki and fuses it with his techniques, making them much strongner and enabling damage to Logia Devil Fruit users.
Here is a list of some of his Gear Second Attacks. ( basically his normal attacks upgraded )

  •  Jet Pistol
  • Jet Gatling Gun
  • Jet Whip
  • Jet Spear
  • Jet Bazooka
  • Jet Stamp
  • Jet Bullet
  • Jet Axe
  • Jet Rocket
  • Jet Rifle
With Haki
  • Red Hawk
  • Hawk Bullet
  • Hawk Rifle
  • Hawk Gatling
  • Eagle Bazooka     

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Will We Ever See Arlong Again?

The return of Arlong!! Im waiting for that chapter title to be made. Ever since we have seen Hachi and the return of old villains from Impel Down I've always been wondering if we would ever see Arlong again. He did make an appearance in a flashback during the Fishman Island arc.

Arlong is definately one of my favorite villains, although the role he played in Nami's past is a terrible one. Arlong was the first fishman they encountered and showed how powerful fishmen can be. Luckily he and his crew wasn't on par or even close to in strength with Jinbe when the Strawhats fought with them or it would have been a short adventure for Luffy and gang.
For some reason I have a feeling we could see Arlong make a comeback. I wouldn't mind seeing Arlong as an ally or enemy if he did make a return.
 I don't think his hatred for humans would go away that easily but maybe when Jinbe joins the strawhats he might lighten up. It would be crazy if he joined the marines lol though I dont see that happening.

 I can see him escaping prison and somehow returing to fishman island to work on his Shark on Darts attack. Maybe hearing what happened to the island might give him a change of heart towards the strawhats...MAYBE.. If Jinbe does join Luffy, maybe Arlong can be the new captain of the Sun Pirates. Assuming Arlong isnt locked up in Impel Down, Im sure he has already escaped and is training for a rematch with Luffy.
Could you imagine Arlong with Haki? Cp9 moves? A devil fruit????! Shaahahaha!! - best laugh ever