Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New One Piece Game 2017??

I love playing One Piece video games but it seems as if they don't make enough quality games or games that are on par with the likes of say, Dragon Ball Z. A while back I had the game One Piece: Grand Battle 3 for the GameCube and that was a fun game. It wasn't my style of gameplay at first but it grew on me and I ended up enjoying it very much. 

This was around 2005 I think, and at the time I was living in Japan. I had a modded GameCube but mostly japanese games. I couldn't read the kanji or even understand what was going on for the most part but I loved and still played the game. Next thing I got was a Wii, and of course I had to get One Piece games. Luckily One Piece: Unlimited Adventure was out at that time. Adventure Rpg with some button mashing and combos, finding and collecting items, this was the ultimate One Piece game for me at the time. I've owned Unlimited Adventure, Cruise part 1 and 2, World Red. Although I enjoyed One Piece Unlimited World Red, I felt it could have been much better and it lacked many elements from the previous games. I won't get into that now though. I haven't played the Pirate Warriors series except 3. Different play style from the Nintendo based One Piece games but I definately fell in Love with the game.

The latest One Piece game to come out this year was, One Piece: Burning Blood. Before that came out I thought the game would suck. Little did I know I would find myself wanting to play it. I was impressed with the graphics and how it actually looked like a decent fighting game. I have no idea when I will be able to play that game but I am still hoping for a new One Piece game to come out in 2017. I doubt they will make another fighting based game. I want to see another Unlimited type game actually done right. I don't mind if it's like dbz where we have a story playing through the arcs, even though One Piece has a lot of arcs. We probably won't get a game where they'll have a huge roster and many costumes with an awesome story and gameplay though.
Lets be hopeful though!

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