Tuesday, November 8, 2016

One Piece Manga Chapter 845

                                                 Chapter 845: The Enraged Army
This chapter was a 6/10 for me instead of a 4/10. No one knows whose side Puddin is on and I think she is playing Sanji! I mean maybe she's being forced to do the things she is doing for instance, letting the straw hats get into whole cake island easily, leading them to the forest, and now this chapter she's hyping up her emotions towards Sanji. There are some theories that Big Mom might become an ally and isnt really evil at all. The fact that she could have easily killed the Strawhats in the seducing woods and didn't. This whole arc is just shrouded in mystery. Maybe Puddin shares a similar fate to Sanji in how his family treats him. In this chapter it shows one of Big Moms young children wanting to mutilate their stuffed animal but the chef wont let her borrow the knives. Big Mom doesnt seem to care about the behavoir of her children by telling two other kids to get the knives, then the children go on saying they are going to kill the little girl some day and Big Mom is laughing it off saying "everyone  has at least 100 or 200 people they want to kill". Puddin has to deal with crazy ass siblings if she isnt like them herself. Who knows?
It is pretty strange how she says to Sanji that he has never uttered a word about their marriage yet shes tells his crew a different story. When Luffy and gang met Puddin she tells them that Sanji said he wants to get married but he cant. Like I said, she could be forced to lie and act like she is helping. Seems like the next plan of action is to get the keys to Sanji's handcuff which Big Mom has. Maybe Chopper and Carrot can help in that department.

In this chapter was also the day the Germa 66 meets Big Mom and has a tea party before the wedding. Interesting during this scene Judge says  " I guarentee it shall be a day that none of us forgets!" Now that is just suspicious to me. Will he plan to takeover Whole Cake Island? ( after rereading the chapter, I noticed it was Big Mom that said this) Hopefully we will see soon enough. What I liked the most about this chapter was Luffy and his determination to not move from his spot even with an enraged army coming at him. Also im wondering if his tooth will stay missing, that would be epic. The chapter started off with him and Nami, with Nami begging Luffy to at least hide from the army. Later throughout the chapter it shows Luffy battling it out with the army using a haki powered gattling gun. Some people speculate Luffy will get a power up, use conquers haki, or just get captured. Im hoping Luffy will somehow beat them. I know he went up against Commander Cracker for about half a day, used gear 4, then took a beating from Sanji, but im hoping he can get through it by himself or with the help of nami. She can most likely fight from a distance undetected. The vivre card she has might not work on them but im not sure shes willing to risk her position.

 I honestly cant wait for the counter attack from Luffy and gang so we'll just have to wait hopefully a few more chapters. Maybe by christmas this arc will come close to an end.
6/10 for this chapter thanks to Luffy being a bad ass! Also the scene with Judge at the tea party was pretty suspicous of what was said.

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