Sunday, June 5, 2011

Usopp Is Weak

Okay, so I'm tired of hearing about how Usopp is weak and useless. I think a lot of people really underestimate his skills and potential. I can understand why someone would think that way towards him judging from the early episodes/manga. I wouldn't so much call it cowardice, it's more of just a little lack of courage and him being pessimistic.
His role as the sniper fits his personality and style. He's not great with confrontation, and would feel safer at a distance, much like a sniper would. Even early on in the series at times he has shown great courage to fight and push himself. Usopp might act like a coward, but when it comes to sniping he is to be feared as his aim is deadly. For his age Usopp can be considered a prodigy. For instance the dual with Daddy while the Straw Hat crew were in Louge Town, Usopp shows how excellent his aim was while he was under pressure, nervously doubting himself. His great sniper skills makes up for his lack of Physical strength, and his strategic skills are pretty impressive as he shows them during his fight with Luffy. You would have to be ignorantly blind to go around calling Usopp weak and useless, definitely the most underestimated character.


  1. Why does almost every person in this world don't know anything about SNIPERS... saying that snipers are always behind and hiding into frontliner's underwear.... Wrong... snipers are always ahead of troops operating alone and scouting for them to walk safer(Pathfinding)... they could be at the top of the building enganging enemies while their troops guard the door... So as a sniper myself... I won't accept USOPP as a Sniper... I would say that he was just someone shooting from a far... but don't get me wrong... not a hater..just I think usopp's cowardice are just for a show... but a lot of great things he can do....

  2. His attitude attracts his strength.

  3. Lmao u said he’s weak now he’s basically overpowered
